Today’s ‘Wordle’ Answer – How to Solve Word Puzzle #308 from Saturday April 23rd


It may only contain five letters, but sometimes the Wordle puzzle can still get the better of you.

That is why Newsweek has put together some clues to give you a hand, but if you want a shortcut to enlightenment for today’s puzzle, just scroll down this page and it will all become clear.

Only a few dozen people initially played software engineer Josh Wardle’s creation last year, but in just a few months it exploded into a global phenomenon with more than 45 million people playing it daily.

The rules are simple, maybe deceiving. A color-coded system tells players when they have the correct letter. In the wrong place, the letter is yellow but green in the right place. Players must find the possible letter combinations at the beginning and end of the word.

The game has inspired a number of other everyday puzzles, such as the globetrotting game Worldle and the math-based Nerdle.

“Basically I consider myself an artist, I really like making things,” Wardle told Protocol, admitting that when he made the game he wasn’t interested in making a business out of it.

It spread around the world, helped by his decision to sell it to The New York Times Company for an undisclosed seven-figure sum. Since February, it has become a feature of the publication’s platform.

The graph below, courtesy of Statista, shows just how popular Wordle grew when Wardle originally owned the game.


‘Wordle’ #308 Tips for Saturday April 23rd

Newsweek has put together five clues that will help you cross the line in today’s Wordle.

Each clue guides you to the answer and if you find a clue that you think can solve the puzzle, you don’t need to go any further.

  • Hint #1: The word for April 23 has three different vowels.
  • Tip #2: The word in today’s Wordle is something you eat.
  • Tip #3: Today’s word can also be a color.
  • Clue #4: Today’s Wordle is the first name of the love interest of cartoon character Popeye.
  • Clue #5: One of Merriam-Webster’s definitions of Wordle #308 as an “evergreen Mediterranean tree grown for its drupate fruit which is an important food and oil source.

‘Wordle’ #308 Reply from Saturday April 23rd

The answer to today’s Wordle is “olive”.

A new Wordle is available starting at 7 p.m. ET daily. Those who want something else to keep their mind occupied while waiting for the next game can try these similar word-based puzzles.

A player plays “Wordle” on January 12, 2022 in New York City. Newsweek gave five clues for the April 23, 2022 puzzle.
Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

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